New Year, New Opportunities, New Ideas to End Horse Slaughter

A new year, a fresh start. We hope this note finds you well. Please know that over the holidays - and during the COVID-19 pandemic - we have still been hard at work here in the nation’s capital and all around the country to end the slaughter of America’s beloved horses. While there are certainly other pressing matters facing our country right now, the sad fact is that our horses are still being shipped over our borders and slaughtered to satisfy the appetite of diners in Europe, Asia and further abroad.

The American public has vocally voiced it’s detest of this trade for almost two decades now. And while we have collectively ended the slaughter of horses on American soil, sadly our horses continue to be trucked to Mexico and Canada for slaughter there. While the numbers going to slaughter continues to decline, the numbers will always be too high until we reach zero. These regal animals, who for most of their lives were effectively treated as companion animals, suffer enormously during both transport and in the slaughter line. It is high time we end this barbaric practice once and for all.

Thankfully, we have many allies in Congress and the horse industry. Just as importantly we have impassioned citizens like you who care terribly about the suffering of our equines. We know you have a genuine interest in seeing an end to horse slaughter.

As the new Congress convenes later this month will be introducing a fresh version of the S.A.F.E. Act in both the House and Senate. We are asking for your help in building co-sponsors. As constituents you have tremendous sway in what pieces of legislation your Congressional representatives support. You can make a real difference in moving our bill forward by being politically engaged.

That’s why on Monday, January 25th you are invited to a nationwide advocacy Zoom call to discuss next steps. As we begin to make progress towards permanently banning the slaughter of American horses we truly want to hear from you on how best to inspire.......

Chris Heyde